Acupuncture for Morning Sickness in Pregnancy

At New Leaf Acupuncture in Dublin, we specialise in offering gentle and effective pregnancy care treatments including for morning sickness. Our approach involves using fine Japanese acupuncture needles, ensuring safety for both the expectant mother and the developing baby. Let’s delve into the specifics:

Safe and Gentle Treatment

  – We employ a delicate technique to address nausea. The use of fine needles minimises discomfort and ensures safety throughout the treatment.

   – We prioritise the well-being of pregnant women, tailoring our approach to each person’s unique needs.

Morning Sickness Resolution


  – Acupuncture sessions often lead to quick resolution of morning sickness. In many cases, symptoms improve during the treatment itself.

   – However, for more severe cases (such as hyperemesis gravidarum), it may take a little longer for symptoms to subside.

   – Alongside acupuncture, we offer dietary advice to support overall well-being during pregnancy.

Energetic Balance and Emotional Well-Being

   – Early pregnancy involves significant energetic changes in the body. Acupuncture helps restore balance, allowing nausea to subside.

   – Vomiting, belching, and heightened sensitivity to smells can also improve.

   – Emotional well-being is crucial, and our holistic approach aims to enhance both physical and emotional aspects of pregnancy.

Enjoying Pregnancy

   – Our goal is for expectant mothers to enjoy their pregnancy journey. By addressing morning sickness, we contribute to a positive experience.

   – If you’re experiencing nausea, consider booking a consultation with our experienced practitioner. We’re here to support you!


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Or call Niall on 087 2632732 for an appointment or free consultation.